Virtual Classroom Presentations
Our Mindfulness classroom presentations have always been popular within our community. This year we continued our annual presentations via Zoom, working on ways to modify the group activities in order for them to work in the virtual classroom setting. Girls Build LA at Vapa believe this is a great way to introduce mindfulness and give students helpful tools to manage stress. This is a project we want to continue sharing in our school community, as it's been our major focus for the past 5 years.
At the end of each presentation we asked the students to fill out a mindfulness survey, these are the charts mapping the results.
At the end of each presentation we asked the students to fill out a mindfulness survey, these are the charts mapping the results.
The chart below displays topics or feelings expressed by our freshman classes when asked about which topics cause them the most stress in their daily life.
Mindfulness presentation:
Parent presentations: We made the mindfulness presentation with the intention of informing and presenting to our younger peers but we also had the chance to have the parents at Vapa partake mindfulness as well. we saw this as an opportunity to teach the parents similar excersizes that their child might be using as well. we wanted to branch out of our school walls and share recourses with the older members of our community.